I need Help!

So, I am trying my best here, to have everyone try, but I need some help, too. I need some people out there who is reading this right now to think of something to do. I can't do it all. I try, and I think I can, but we all know that not one person can fix the planet. (Except maybe Chuck Norris). So please, I'm thinking and I would appreciate it if you did too and did something. I am researching the mayor for Burlington. If anyone wants to do something, just do it. Please.

Sites-Stuff we can do

So, these are some sites that can help our project of "saving the planet." The first one is about the background of Earth Day etc etc. The second one is about taking action, the third one is about learning teach share. I haven't read it myself yet, but it would be a good thing to go to. I am researching the mayor of Burlington because I might talk to him telling him that he should do something about the planet and if he does something, the smaller towns will, to. You should try that with you're Big Town Mayor. If we all did, something great would happen. We would finish the Big Project-or at least get close to it. You are awesome, and you can do anything. Don't let anyone else say otherwise.
So, here are the sites:
1) http://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/world/earth-day
2) http://www.epa.gov/earthday/   
The earth is counting on us, and so is our future.

The Earth Needs Our Help

This Earth needs our help to fix it.  It was our fault in the beginning, now it's getting so bad that everyone is worrying.  Even if you deny that, deep down, your worrying about your kids and everyone. So you need to fix this.  If your reading this right now, you can fix it.  You can help!  Anyone can help! Adults and kids, no matter how small or how big.  I am a big dreamer and I like to fix things that desperately needs help fixing.  This is one of those things.  Please help!  We can come up with ways!  Such as,
  • We don't have to have one "Clean up Vermont" day, we can do it ourselves.
  • Have a schedule where you will go outside and pick up trash
  • If your going somewhere close, you don't have to drive, bike or walk, even if it's raining or snowing.  That's what an umbrella's for!  And, kids, if your reading this, tell your parents this too.
  • Unplug stuff! Energy needs to not be used frequently.
  • If you are buying a car, adults, please think about the Earth. Do you really need a big car that guzzles gas?  No.  It's not like they are any better than say a Subaru.  And for those of you who don't know (I did not know this either) but Prius' are four wheel drive, so you can drive up and go home in those, you Vermonters out there.
  • If your kid asks you to drive him/her to the park that is very short away, and you say "What do you think people have feet for?" and he/her says "To work the gas pedal" you should be worrying. (Quote from Calvin and Hobbes.)
  • And most importantly, spread the word! I have hopes for this site.  If we all believe we can, we can do it!  All you have to do is believe.  I know you have believed before, so you can certainly do it now!
We can do this!  We can save this planet!  Protest against energy-using factories, do whatever you can!  We don't have as much time as we think!